Several Random Photos!

On Father's Day weekend there was a fundraiser event being held in Eagle in the neighborhood that was destroyed by the tornado last year.  Good friends of our had just bought a house in that neighborhood a week before the tornado hit.  They rebuilt their home from the ground up, literally!  We stopped by the fundraiser to show support and look who we ran into walking down the street!  The Racing Sausages!!!  The kids were so excited, especially Jackson!

I think he could land the lead role in a Braveheart sequel!

Mason is growing so fast, it's hard to believe he is already 9 months!  He has been doing great with scooting around the house on his elbows and his latest feat in sitting up all by himself!

Mason had his first haircut right before we left for the Fourth of July weekend.  He has a natural mohawk so we decided to embrace the Hawk rather than fight it!  I think he looks just adorable!!

Mason's first parade in Three Lakes!

Ready for the candy!!

Alexis and Lanie with their matching outfits.  We were on our way to get Lexi's haircut and she wanted "before and after" pictures taken.



She told me afterwards that either she needs blond hair to match Lanie or Lanie needs a haircut to match her!!  Daddy will not allow either!  Too cute!!


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