Oh Boy!!

When you are having a baby, you usually receive a 20-week ultrasound and you can find out the sex of your baby. We did have an ultrasound last month and wanted to find out the sex of the baby but the doctor was unable to get a real good look. You see, Brian was unable to attend the ultrasound so the doctor just glanced in that direction and then wrote down the sex on a sheet a paper and sealed it in an envelope. That way Brian and I could open it together. He wrote, "GIRL!" and we were very excited and told everyone it was a girl. Yesterday I had my 24-week appointment and wanted the doctor to check just one more time to make sure he was correct and it was a good thing we did because he found something that wasn't visible before...a penis!
We are now proud to announce that we are expecting a handsome baby boy...and we have a picture to prove it!
Imagine he is sitting up on a glass table and you are looking up at his bottom side. And directly to the left of the word BOY on the picture is our "proof"! :-)

Today was Lexi's Big Day! She had her Preschool Graduation this morning. She still has one more day of school next Tuesday but that is more of a "fun day" for the kids!
We are so proud of our big girl! She has grown so much over this past school year, not only with her schooling but also in her appearance! On September 17, 2009, she weighed 38 lbs. and was 42 inches tall. Then on May 13, 2010, she weighed in at 41 lbs. and is 44 inches tall! Our big girl, indeed!
Congrats to you, Alexis! We love more every day!
Kindergarten, here we come!!

Lauren, Hannah, Bob and Alexis
Alexis and Bob
Alexis and her teacher, Mrs. Previte

We spent this year's Memorial Day Weekend up north in Three Lakes. The weather was perfect all weekend long and we spent every day outside. The lakes are very low along the chain which wasn't all bad because the kids had a very nice beach to play on right by the water. We are all hoping it stays like this all summer and we really wouldn't mind if it stayed like this forever!
Brian's parents got kayaks last year.

Lexi really enjoyed taking rides with Brian.
We took the kids fishing on Saturday night. We only caught two fish but we still had fun. The hardest part was trying to keep Jackson quiet! :-)
Lexi's first fish!!
Sunset on Saturday night
The lake was so low that Brian could deliver fuel to the wave runner via 4-wheeler!

Tricia, rockin' her awesome pregnant belly!!!
We forgot we had sparklers until a few hours before we were all leaving but the kids did enjoy them.

Taken by Lexi
Grandma and her girls
Happy couple!

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