This video was put together by US Marines stationed in Afghanistan.  
It put such a huge smile on my face and I think I have watched it four or five times already!
It is so great to see that after all they go through and all the time away from home; that they are still able to smile, laugh and enjoy life!

Lexie was the Shining Star last week at school. She made a big poster that was presented to the class on Monday morning and it was up on the wall for the entire week!  On Friday, Brian and I went to Lexie's class to read a book and do a project with the class.  We also bought pizza lunch for her class!  It was a wonderful day; I wish we could do it every Friday!

Her poster!

Nice family photo, if only Miss Alexis would look at the camera!  :)

Here we are showing the class how to make hand art!  This was our special project we did with the class!

Making hand art with the class!

Alexis and her friend Ashley

She was able to bring one thing each day for Show and Tell.  For her last day she wanted to bring our new iPad.   A few of the friends knew what it was and all of them were amazed with all she could show them!

Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Krahn and Alexis

Mrs. Krahn and the entire class

Mason always wants to be straight, he never wants to bend to sit up so we felt it was time for him to have a go in his bouncer.
He seems to really like it...for about 5 minutes at a time!!

Two weeks ago, I brought lunch to Lexie at school and sat with her and all her friends. Here are a few photos from our lunch!

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