Two of my cousins stopped by to visit Mr. Mason last week. Joanna stopped over and got tons of cuddle time! Mason loved her instantly!!

My cousin Lindsey stopped by with her little one, Broden. Brody also looked like such a peanut until you put him next to Mason. I hope they become great friends a.k.a. "partners in crime"!!
He really wasn't sure about my camera in his face! I love his expression!!

We took the kids pumpkin picking a few weekends ago. It was perfect weather for the occasion and the kids had a blast!!
It is hard to tell but that is Mason that I am carrying in my Moby Wrap. He was all curled up and cozy! He slept the entire time we were out at the pumpkin farm.

On the hayride.

Mason Thomas Halyburton
Born October 3, 2010
at 2:30 am
Six pounds, Ten ounces
Twenty and three-quarter inches

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