While reminiscing about Lexi as a baby, I came across the top photo of her when she was almost two weeks old. I then remembered of a similar photo of Jack when he was about the same age. Can you believe the resemblance?!?
They are both so beautiful! If only they could stay so little!

We had a little play-date with Riley on Monday. Can you believe she is only 4 months younger than Jack?!?! She is sooo tiny....or Jack is sooo big!!
Lexi loves to hold her little cousin. I hope they become great friends!
Thanks to Tricia for these photos!! :)
(I copied them from Riley's blog!)

Lexi was trying to teach Jack how to crawl today! It was hilarious! Everytime Jack stopped paying attention to her, she would say to him, "Jackson, like this...see!" He would just laugh at her! What a pair, huh?

September 12
It was a beautiful day so the kids and I spent it outside. Lexi was kind enough to lend out her baby swing to Jack for the afternoon. Lexi is learning to swing by herself now. This was Jack's first time in the outdoor swing. He was a little nervous at first but before long he was laughing right along with Lexi.

We are teaching Lexi how to hold her fingers up for the number 3, since she will be 3 in two months!! Time does fly when you are having so much fun!

Happy, beautiful girl!!

Jack is starting to get the hang of it!! Hasn't crawled forward yet but he has mastered going backwards! :)

Regardless of his direction, he always does it with a smile!

Playing piano with her feet!!

Lexi on TV!!

Jelly Belly taste testing!! YUMMY!!!

Lexi and Mom going through a tunnel maze!

Lexi brushing her pretend horse!!

Here is Mr. Jack learning to sit up on his own!

Brian, Lexi & Jack - Quality time with Dad!

Smiley Boy!!

Jack using Dad as a jumgle gym!

Getting ready to crawl. Jack spends lots of time just rolling around the room!

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