We surprised the kids with a special weekend at Blue Harbor Resort this past weekend. We didn't tell them where we were going; just put them in car and left the house Saturday morning. They were so excited when we pulled up to the resort!! We had a great time swimming and going down water slides. You may notice not as many pictures of Jackson and that is because he was always moving so fast through the park, it was hard to keep track of him most of the time! Jackson had a wonderful tim burning off a lot of energy!

Here is Mason, 10 weeks old now, enjoying his first trip the waterpark.

Santa came to visit the Resort. Lexi was thrilled to meet him and tell him all about the gifts she would like him to bring.
At story time, Santa read the kids "The Night Before Christmas" while the kids had their milk and cookies.
Dustin and Tricia let us borrow their waterproof camera for the weekend and what a blessing it was!!! We got so many underwater pictures and video of the kids! We might have to invest in one of these camera real soon!!
Lexi jumping in the pool.
Jackson jumping in the pool too!

Mason and Brian doing the "Brian face". Love this photo!!!

The Canadian Pacific Railroad has a Holiday Train that they send out for traveling this time of year. They collect food items to give to charity. Their train is completely covered with Christmas lights, has a band that sings Christmas songs at every stop and Santa is along for the ride as well. We went down to the Sturtevant Amtrak station to catch a glimpse of the train. The kids loved it but boy was it cold that night!!!

Jackson had himself a bit of a fit because he wanted to go on the train and could not understand why we were not allowed. The boy loves his trains more anything!!

Alexis turned six years old on November 21 and we had a Princess Birthday Party for her. She invited all her girl-friends from school and they all dressed up as their favorite princess. Alexis dressed up as Rapunzel, the new Disney princess. We had games to play, such as "Pin the Crown on the Princess" as well as a pinata for them. I made a Princess Castle cake for her, which Alexis loved!!!
It was a great time!!

The following weekend was Thanksgiving and we went to Three Lakes to celebrate the holiday as well as Lexi's birthday with the Halyburtons.

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