Lexi received her Christmas gift from Brian' parents a few days early! They gave a Grand Walk-in Kitchen! She loves playing pretend Chef and cooking Mommy meals!

Well, as you can see from the pictures, it took us a while to get just one good picture of the kids for our Christmas card this year. We must have taken about 30 pictures, just hoping one would turn out good enough for the card. The kids were being a bit less than cooperative with us but we did manage to get a great photo of them.

Here we are with Brian's brother Elliot at the Packer vs. Raider game last Sunday. And no, you are not seeing things...Brian REALLY is wearing Raider apparel!
It was really cold and I was feeling a bit under the weather but we had a great time. The kids got to spend the day with Grandma S. at home while mom and dad froze!!

Every year, Whitewater has a Christmas Parade so we decided to take the kids this year. Jack is a bit too young to understand what was going on but Lexi had a great time! It was pretty cold outside that night but the parade doesn't last very long...for that exact reason!

My dad had a small float in the parade for his businesses. He mounted a Christmas tree to the back bed of his 4-wheeler. He then bought tons of presents which he handed out to all the kids watching the parade. If that doesn't get you into the "Giving Spirit", I don't know what will!! What a great guy!!

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