Last week Lexi's Pre-school had their annual Ice Cream Social. They had different activities and crafts for the kids to do as well as ice cream sundaes!! YUM!
Here is Lexi getting her face painted.
Lexi made a beautiful purple and pink necklace. She made it all by herself; I was so proud of her! She told me it was for me but she wanted to wear it for a little while first! :)
K-Prep has been working hard to raise money for a new playset for the school ever since the school year began! They have taken donations from various local businesses as well as fund-raisers. This spring break all their hard work paid off and they installed their new playset! All kids just love it! It is a wonderful new addition to the school!

On Mother's Day, we went down to Brian's parents' house in IL. This is the new 4-wheeler that they bought for all the grandkids. It is a little big yet for them to ride alone but I think Brian was okay with that! :)Here is Jackson running after Brian and Lexi. He didn't understand why he couldn't ride with Daddy and Lexi!

Their neighbors have a horse stable and this is their donkey, Molly. She loves peppermint candies and shouting at anyone who walks past her stall! The kids loved her!!
I love the look on Lexi's face here; she just adores her Grandma!
Brian taught the kids how to use the hose and we put them to work, watering all of Grandma's new flowers!

Right before we left, Jackson and Papa got into a little giggling-spell. These pictures are just so adorable of the two of them!For our ride home, we decided to take the scenic Downtown route which I just loved! I am such a small town girl and still get excited seeing the Chicago skyline! The pictures are a bit blurry but keep in mind we were on the Interstate with a speed limit of 65 and Brian was driving! :)

Sorry to all my fellow Cubbies fans but I couldn't resist snapping a few of the Sox field! :)


Can you believe these pictures?!? Just adorable...and didn't even have to tell them to do that! Jackson just went up to Lexi and said, "Hug!" and Lexi gave him a hug! Too cute for words!

A while back we got this train for Lexi (before Jack was even born) from our neighbor. I had folded it up after Jack was born and placed it in our storage room...and pretty much forgot about it! A few weeks ago I came across it and thought what fun the kids would have with this again! They just loved it!!

April 19

Brian and Lexi have been playing this "game" for as long as I can remember! He holds her up and she balances and...I don't know what it should be called but it is hilarious! I finally got some great pictures of her balancing and then falling on to her bed. Enjoy!

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