Brian's company has season tickets to the Milwaukee Bucks games, which are solely used for customers but last week Wednesday no customers wanted to tickets. Brian was offered the tickets to use for the family so off we went!! The kids were so excited! We had a great time! The game started at 7:00 pm, which is usually the the time we start winding down from the day when we are at home, so I was a little nervous about how everyone would hold up but they all did great! We stayed until the beginning of the 4th quarter and the kids were asleep in the car by the time we passed Miller Park! It was a great night and I hope we can do it again!

This was Mason's expression pretty much the whole time. There was so much to look at and many new sounds! He looks so worried! :)
Our view! Great seats!!
Jackson thought the Jumbo screen hanging from the ceiling was awesome!! He had to take a picture of it!


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